河北工业大学本科毕业生奖学金评选结果公示根据教育部、河北省有关文件精神、《河北工业大学本科生奖学金评选办法》及《河北工业大学芬兰校区毕业生奖学金评选办法》的相关要求,经学生申请、校区评议、芬兰校区奖学金评选委员会审核通过,芬兰校区电气ST201班张曦照等32名同学获得河北工业大学2023-2024学年本科毕业生奖学金,现将评选名单及评选等级予以公示。欢迎广大同学监督。May 20, 2024
捷报|河北工业大学芬兰校区首届毕业生(中国学生)毕业去向数据新鲜出炉2024年5月,河北工业大学芬兰校区即将迎来首届毕业生,经过四年培养,芬兰校区首届毕业生(2020级中国学生)去向令人欣喜。Apr 28, 2024
芬兰校区参加LUT大学软件系统工程专业ASIIN认证2024年4月11日,LUT大学软件工程系统专业ASIIN认证会在拉彭兰塔校园2411会议室举办。国际教育学院院长史耕山、芬兰校区特聘教师杨明辉受邀线下参与,国际教育学院副院长何静飞、芬兰校区计算机科学与技术系主任许智宏受邀线上参会。Apr 12, 2024
校党委常委、副校长赵斌为国际教育机构党委作国学专题讲座习近平总书记指出,“中华优秀传统文化是中华文明的智慧结晶和精华所在,是中华民族的根和魂,是我们在世界文化激荡中站稳脚跟的根基。”中华文明是世界文明史上唯一的连续性文明,五千年的连续发展是中华文明的重要特征。Dec 13, 2023
Double Degree
If you meet the requirements, you will be awarded a diploma and a bachelor's degree certificate from Hebei University of Technology, and a bachelor's degree certificate from LUT University.
First-class Majors
We offer four undergraduate majors, including Mechanical Design,Manufacturing and Automation, Electrical Engineering and Automation, Energy and Power Engineering, and Computer Science and Technology, which are based on the "Advanced Equipment Engineering and Technology" group,a double first-class discipline of Hebei University of Technology.
Combination of China & Finland
the Chinese Hebei University of Technology is the "211 project", "double" first-class disciplines in colleges and universities. And the LUT of Finland, known as one of the top 3 technology universities, enjoys a reputation "cradle" of Finnish modern industrial manufacturing engineers. And it is entitled as one of the world's 20 most potential universities by Firetail.
Multivariate Cultivation
foreign language courses, public courses, professional navigation courses, professional courses, management and communication courses, innovation and entrepreneurship courses will be taught.Finally, the students will have a good command of professional English, strong professional skills, management skills,communication skills and entrepreneurial skills.
you will study in Hebei University of Technology Tianjin Campus for the first year and in Finland Campus for the last 3 years.
this is the first undergraduate overseas campus established in a developed country. In this campus, each students group form China, the European Unionand other countries will account for one third of the total number.